Welcome to Organizing REKO
Passion & Food: Perspectives From A Research Internship
This post was written by master student Emma Anttila. It summarizes her experience while conducting a research internship on the Organizing REKO project. — Hello everyone! My name is Emma Anttila and for the last two months, I have been a research intern for the Organizing REKO project. I am currently enrolled at Uppsala University,…
A Decade of REKO
Congratulations to the first 10 years of REKO! Last month we could follow a celebration of REKO turning ten. The founder of REKO, Tomas Snellman, various producers, and a number of researchers gathered at Hanken School of Economics to celebrate, take stock and look forward. We were fortunate to have our very own Hanna Leipämaa-Leskinen…
Welcome to follow our research journey on the organizing of REKO
This site will be the home of the recently started research project Organizing REKO: The Viability of a Local Food System in Finland, Sweden & Latvia. The project runs between August 2023 and June 2026. We will soon update this site with relevant information and blog posts. /Daniel, Emma, Hanna & Steffi