Welcome to Organizing REKO

  • Fieldwork in Valmiera with a baby

    The sun greets us when getting off the plane from Stockholm to Riga on this beautiful October morning in 2024. We are not the usual picture of researchers on a fieldtrip, equipped with backpacks, voice recorders, pen and paper. Instead, we are carrying a tired toddler, push a stroller and have lost the first pair…

  • The Buzz of a New REKO Ring: Vaksala Torg

    The Buzz of a New REKO Ring: Vaksala Torg

    Wednesday, August 28. Uppsala, Sweden. There is a new REKO ring in town. It is located in the middle of the city, at a large square near the central train station. Here in Uppsala, where I live, previous rings have all been located outside the city center, as they usually are. This ‘move’ makes it…

  • Passion & Food: Perspectives From A Research Internship

    This post was written by master student Emma Anttila. It summarizes her experience while conducting a research internship on the Organizing REKO project. — Hello everyone! My name is Emma Anttila and for the last two months, I have been a research intern for the Organizing REKO project. I am currently enrolled at Uppsala University,…

  • A Decade of REKO

    A Decade of REKO

    Congratulations to the first 10 years of REKO! Last month we could follow a celebration of REKO turning ten. The founder of REKO, Tomas Snellman, various producers, and a number of researchers gathered at Hanken School of Economics to celebrate, take stock and look forward. We were fortunate to have our very own Hanna Leipämaa-Leskinen…

  • Welcome to follow our research journey on the organizing of REKO

    Welcome to follow our research journey on the organizing of REKO

    This site will be the home of the recently started research project Organizing REKO: The Viability of a Local Food System in Finland, Sweden & Latvia. The project runs between August 2023 and June 2026. We will soon update this site with relevant information and blog posts. /Daniel, Emma, Hanna & Steffi